About The Spouses & Family Exhibit

Welina ladies and gentlemen,

Because I have so much free time, I’ve embarked on a new project and I’m hoping to have some volunteer help over the next 12-16 months. The fun part for you is that after this initial request, which has no wrong answers, everything else will be about critiquing my work. Now that’s got to sound like fun, right? And if you’re too busy to help, just let me know and I’ll drop you from the list of folks I’m going to carry on the discussion with. I won’t be offended in any way — part of the story to be told is the demands that are put on families, so I total get it.

Here’s the deal — I’ve come to the conclusion that even in today’s age of social media and a thousand TV channels, that a good old fashion museum style exhibit about the important role that Coast Guard families — the spouses, dependents and others relations — have played in the success of the Coast Guard and her predecessor services. Jen Gaudio, the USCG Curator at the CG Museum at the Academy has agreed to be my adviser/mentor in this effort and she’s laid out the general work flow I’ll need to follow.
Here’s the first request for support (then you get to get your red pens out the rest of the time if have the time to support me).  I need to come up with the theme and here’s the ask:   If you had to distill what the experience was/is like and why it is important, what would it be?
Here’s Jen’s guidance on this portion:

“An exhibit is like a visual history paper and as such starts out the same way. You need a theme, a focus, or hypothesis that will be visually demonstrated by the exhibit. It can be as simple (and as broad) as “The Coast Guard: Jack of All trades and Master of Some,” or as specific as “Cribbage, the Sailor’s Solitaire.” As this is the first exhibit on families I would probably think broad with side stories that can be picked out in greater detail in future exhibits. Once you have the theme, you write up an abstract.”

So, any one up for offer me advice? I will need something catchy enough to make you want to see the exhibit.

Aloha and Mahalo nui loa in advance for even your consideration of this request. I hope everyone has a great holiday season.


You may find me at:

[email protected]